If you need a sperm donor, you don’t need to turn to risky unlicensed sources to try for a baby. We can help you now.

By choosing a licensed sperm bank like Semovo to find your sperm donor, you have the reassurance that your sperm donor is UK-based, health-screened and quality sperm tested, with no legal rights over any child he helps to create.

Here are some of the reasons why you should use our award-winning sperm bank to find your perfect sperm donor:

  • Semovo donor sperm is available with no waiting list. We’ll send out sperm from your choice of donor straight away, direct to your treating fertility clinic, so you can start your family without delay.
  • The sperm we supply is safe for you and your baby. Semovo sperm donors are screened to the strict standards set by the HFEA, the UK fertility regulator. We test for common STIs and certain genetic conditions.
  • Your Semovo sperm donor is just a sperm donor. As a registered sperm donor donating through a licensed clinic, he has no parental or legal claim towards any child he helps to create.
  • Semovo sperm donors are identifiable and traceable to your child in future, if they wish to know who their sperm donor is. Our sperm donors receive implications counselling as part of the process, so they’re prepared for future contact and understand their rights and responsibilities.
  • Our sperm donors are young, healthy, fertile men age 18-41, proven to have exceptional quality sperm to maximise your chances of pregnancy.
  • We test our donor sperm for sperm mobility, shape and sperm count, in addition to antisperm antibodies. Only men with the best sperm are accepted as Semovo sperm donors.
  • Semovo sperm donors are UK-based men from all walks of life and professional backgrounds. Our regional sperm donation network means we have the widest choice of sperm donors from across the UK.
  • Our sperm donors are happy to tell you about themselves. Semovo sperm donors complete highly detailed sperm donor profiles to help you choose, including personal goodwill messages and more. Read a sample profile here.
  • We look after our sperm donors and treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve. As a National Gamete Donation Trust Centre of Excellence, our award-winning approach is your reassurance that your sperm donor has received only the best personal care from our dedicated team.

Find out more about Semovo and our sperm donor expertise. We look forward to helping you have a family. Start your journey to a baby here and tell us what you’re looking for in your ideal sperm donor.