Behind The Scenes In Our Sperm Bank: Reassurance Of Quality Sperm

At Semovo, donor sperm isn’t just collected and sent to patients. It goes through a number of processes first, just as our sperm donors do.

Our thorough approach means the donor sperm we offer gives you the greatest chance of pregnancy, and the reassurance of safe donor sperm from health-screened donors.

Our Reproductive Technologists analyse and prepare donor sperm in the lab, as well as support new and existing sperm donors through the process. Reveal more about what happens behind the scenes at our sperm bank so you can see how we care for your sperm donor and can guarantee their sperm quality:

Quality donor sperm – and quality sperm donors

We don’t just assess sperm quality when we recruit sperm donors. We’re also assessing the donor. Are they reliable and committed enough to be a sperm donor? This is so we can ensure your sperm donor is donating their sperm for the right reasons.

We’ll go through their medical history with them as well, it’s one of the first things we ask about as part of the first visit to our donation clinic.

Only the best sperm will do

The biggest reason we turn away most sperm donor applicants is because their sperm doesn’t meet the high standards we’ve set.

We’ll do an assessment of the sample a donor provides on their first visit, to assess whether their sperm is suitable.

Only donors who provide sperm samples that have high enough count and motility are progressed further.

We don’t just test the basics of sperm count, motility and sperm shape but factors that can affect your chances of fertilisation and pregnancy, such as anti-sperm antibodies.

We check sperm for everything we can, so you can order donor sperm from us in complete confidence.

Doctor consultation – confirming sperm donor history

We don’t just do one review of sperm donor medical history. It’s double checked as part of the donor consultation with one of our fertility doctors.

An unsuitable medical history is the second highest reason we don’t accept potential donors. We do not take on a sperm donor if we have any doubt over inheritable or prominent conditions within their family.

Freezing donor sperm for pregnancy success

Once your sperm donor is accepted into the programme, we freeze their samples. We freeze samples with one focus only – successful fertility treatment and pregnancy for you.

Variations of sperm count between donations is normal and natural in healthy fertile people, but we don’t freeze a sperm donor’s samples if they fall below our standards at anytime during their donation journey.

Have your baby with a Semovo sperm donor

If you’re ready to have a baby, start looking for your ideal sperm donor from our award-winning UK donor sperm bank.

Read a sample profile so you can see the detail Semovo sperm donors go into, and learn more about how we supply donor sperm for patient use.

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